Chase Foundation Mentor Program

The Chase Foundation pursues the vision of helping to serve the community of Artesia and not-for-profit organizations in Southeastern New Mexico. In 2007 Mack Chase made an agreement to provide scholarship funding for students who have maintained a solid grade point average of 3.0 or better through their first seven semesters of high school. They must also demonstrate a strong “community connection” to Artesia, New Mexico. Through the collaboration with the Chase Foundation, the Student Success Center at NMSU supports the NMSU Chase Foundation Mentor Program. Chase Scholars are paired with a mentor. Peer Mentors must have junior or senior standing, a minimum 3.0-grade point average, and a demonstrated record of co-curricular activity including experience in a leadership capacity. The Chase Foundation believes that matching students with a successful mentor at college will help students: 1) Make the transition to college life; 2) Maintain their academic profile, 3) Meet the requirements for scholarship renewal, and 4) Identify and emulate positive role models.